CDBG-DR Action Plan, Public Hearings

On Dec. 21, 2024, $1.6 billion in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding was appropriated by the U.S. Congress to support recovery efforts from the 2023 Maui wildfires. The funding will be provided to the County of Maui through the U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

As grantee, the County of Maui will submit to HUD an Action Plan, which outlines the proposed activities and program allocations the CDBG-DR funds will be used for. In developing its draft Action Plan, the County was guided by the community input gathered over the past 18 months through various community engagement, such as community meetings and the Neighborhood Planning Workshops held for the Lahaina Long-Term Recovery Plan.

The County will be hosting three public hearings in March 2025 on the draft Action Plan. County officials will be available to answer questions from attendees, who will have the opportunity to provide their comments on the draft Action Plan.

The meetings are as follows:

Share your Feedback

Provide your comments on the draft Action Plan online, by mail or in-person at the Lahaina Resource Center or Kāko‘o Maui Relief & Aid Services Center.
Feedback must be received by
4 p.m. on March 26, 2025.

Contact Information

For questions, please contact the CDBG-DR Program Office at

What is CDBG-DR?

Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) grant funds are appropriated by Congress and allocated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to rebuild disaster-impacted areas and provide crucial seed money to start the long-term recovery process.

Purpose of CDBG-DR funds:

  • Focuses on long-term recovery efforts 
  • Addresses unmet needs that other federal programs have not addressed yet 
  • Funds supplement and fill remaining funding gaps 
  • CDBG-DR cannot supplant other federal funds

For more information on CDBG-DR, visit : Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Grant Funds | / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Who benefits from this funding?

CDBG-DR funds primarily benefit LMI (Low-To-Moderate Income) persons and communities, and other vulnerable members of the community who have been directly impacted by the disaster.

What is the household income limit to be considered LMI (Low-To-Moderate Income)?

  • LMI (Low-To-Moderate Income) is considered to be 80% of an area’s median household income. For Maui County in 2024, the median income as determined by HUD was $110,800.

Who is considered ''vulnerable''?

  • HUD identifies and prioritizes assistance for vulnerable populations that are disproportionately affected by disasters.

Broad Categories of Vulnerable Populations for CDBG-DR include:

  • Low- and moderate-income (LMI) persons or households
  • Kupuna
  • People experiencing homelessness
  • People with disabilities (includes people with physical, mental, or developmental disabilities)

If your household income exceeds the LMI limit you may not be eligible for the direct benefits provided by CDBG-DR funding. However, there could still be indirect benefits, such as improved infrastructure, community-wide recovery efforts, and other resources that support the overall resilience of the County. Additionally, the County may offer other programs or resources through different funding sources that may be more applicable to households above the LMI limit.

What is the Action Plan? Does the community get any say in it?

The CDBG-DR Action Plan outlines activities that the County will undertake under its recovery or mitigation program. Detailed funding amounts, sources of other funds, and implementation partners are included. Community input collected through the many community engagement events held by the County since the wildfires – including those that informed the County’s Long-Term Recovery Plan for Lahaina – have been incorporated into the draft, which was released and open for public review/feedback on Feb. 24, 2025. Public hearings on the draft Action Plan will be held on March 8, 11, and 14. The public comment period closes on March 26, 2025.

What can I do now in preparation for the CDBG-DR programs?

Programs will be finalized once the proposed Action Plan is approved by HUD. If you are considering applying for CDBG-DR-funded programs that you may be eligible for, you can do the following things to prepare:

  • Collect financial documents (proof of income, bank statements, tax returns, etc.)
  • Keep records of all financial assistance received (FEMA, Rental Assistance Payments, CNHA, etc.) Keep records of insurance claims filed and proceeds received
  • Stay informed via community meetings and

Can any of the funds be directly distributed to individual survivors?

CDBG-DR funds are required to be used for programs that directly benefit individual survivors, such as rebuild assistance for eligible homeowners, and cannot be directly distributed to survivors.

How is CDBG-DR funding a part of the County’s Long-Term Recovery Plan?

CDBG-DR funds will be one of several funding sources utilized by projects in the County of Maui’s Long-Term Recovery Plan for Lahaina. For these funds, the County will consider all disaster recovery projects in the Long-Term Recovery Plan that are CDBG-DR eligible.

What are CDBG-DR funds used for?

The special appropriation provides funds to the most impacted and distressed areas for: 



Economic development

Public services


Local Match for other Federal programs

Each CDBG-DR activity must address a disaster-related impact (direct or indirect) in a Presidentially declared area for the covered disaster

  • Be a CDBG eligible activity
  • Meet a CDBG national objective*
  • Disaster-related activities are those that demonstrate a logical connection between the impacts of the covered disaster and the activity’s contribution to community recovery. 

*To meet a CDBG-DR national objective, all activities must:

  • Primarily benefit LMI (Low-to-Moderate Income) persons;
  • Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight; or
  • Meet other community development needs having an urgency because existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community where other financial resources are not available to meet such needs (known as “Urgent Need”).

Process & Next Steps

Anticipated date for funding to be released: Summer 2025

Anticipated date

Spring 2025

  • Present draft CDBG-DR Action Plan to community for comments, revise as needed.
  • Submit to HUD for approval.
Anticipated date

Summer 2025

  • HUD approves Action Plan.
  • Funds to be disbursed to County of Maui.
  • Application intake begins.
Anticipated date

Fall 2025

  • County of Maui, along with various non-profits and other agencies, begin implementation of programs

The County is in the process of creating a required draft Action Plan that will outline how the federal funds will be spent. That plan will be presented to the community for review and feedback in Spring 2025. The County will then make any necessary revisions to the draft and submit a final Action Plan to HUD for approval. Once HUD approves the Action Plan, funds will be released to the County and program implementation can begin.

After appropriation by Congress, HUD will calculate and announce allocations, and publish a Federal Register Notice, which describes the rules, procedures, waivers, and alternative requirements governing the CDBG-DR program.  

Once the County is announced as a formal grantee and is provided an allocation amount, the County shall:

  • Finalize and submit drafted financial management policies and certifications to HUD for approval.
  • Present a draft CDBG-DR Action Plan to the community at large for comments. The Action Plan includes a needs assessment, community and stakeholder engagement, and identification of activities that the grantee will undertake under its recovery or mitigation program. Action Plans also detail funding amounts, sources of other funds, and implementation partners.
  • Submit the CDBG-DR Action Plan with comments to HUD for approval.
  • Funds can only be disbursed to CDBG-DR grantees after HUD approves the CDBG-DR Action Plan.

Community Engagement

Anticipated community engagement: Spring 2025

With Community input, engagement and comments, the County as the CDBG-DR Grantee will prepare a CDBG-DR Action Plan that will include eligible projects and estimated funding amounts for HUD’s approval.

The County’s Action Plan must include a Citizen Participation Plan which describes how the public will be informed and engaged throughout the grant’s lifecycle.

Prior to approval by HUD, the CDBG-DR Action Plan shall be posted for public comment to provide opportunities to citizens, affected local governments and other interested parties an opportunity to provide comments.  All comments on the Action Plan or any substantial amendment, received orally or in writing, will be considered. Approved Action Plan and any amendments will be displayed on the County’s CDBG-DR webpage.

County of Maui’s CDBG-DR Program Office

The County of Maui has developed a CDBG-DR Program Office, which is under the Office of Recovery in the Department of Management.

This office will be responsible for:

  • Designing and implementing recovery programs to meet unmet recovery needs 
  • Establishing internal controls to ensure performance and compliance; monitoring subrecipients 
  • Providing technical assistance to subgrantees and subrecipients 
  • Reviewing project applications to ensure that all activities are eligible 
  • Ensuring that activities are compliant with all other requirements such as creating Section 3 economic opportunities and affirmatively furthering fair housing 
  • Tracking progress and program spending to ensure timely recovery
  • Reporting, grant management and tracking

For more information, email

CDBG-DR Documents

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