Download Debris Removal Closeout Package

Ineligible Debris Disposal

Last updated June 26, 2024

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New Service: Removal of Ineligible Debris

All Hands and Hearts are providing a free service to clear and dispose of the remaining "ineligible debris" following the completion of USACE's clean up efforts. Their goal is to alleviate the cost and effort involved in this step so property owners can focus on their path to rebuilding and recovery. Learn more below about how it works.

What are the eligibility requirements?

All residential lots in Lahaina that have received a close out package from the County following the completion of the USACE debris removal are eligible. Property owners will need to apply for the "contractor" placards to provide us access.

Requests can be submitted starting today with work to start in July. Requests will be prioritized based on need and readiness.

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What's the cost?

There is no cost for this service. We are a volunteer-powered non-profit organization committed to supporting disaster relief efforts.  

What types of debris will be cleared and disposed of?

We will work with property owners to identify the specific items to be cleared. Our goal is to dispose of all debris but there may be cases where certain items (i.e., large structures, pools, etc.) would not be within our scope and some items may require special handling.

Do I have to be onsite while the work is being done?

We only need to meet with the owner on site for the initial assessment and for sign off once work is completed.

How long will the process take?

It will vary based on the type and volume of debris. We will provide an estimate following the assessment.

What is Ineligible Debris?

In many cases, properties may have been damaged by fire, but the debris has been determined to be ineligible for clean-up by the Army Corps of Engineers. This may include fire-damaged trees, fencing, ancillary structures, personal property or other exterior items the fire could have directly impacted. Likewise, indirect impacts could include smoke damage to your home or other property, as well as extended service outages causing damages to your home and property requiring remediation.

If the property has already had debris removal by the Army Corps contractor and any of the conditions listed above remain present, the property owner is authorized to clean up and dispose of those elements using the normal solid waste management processes. 

To find out more information, click the following links:

ineligible debris FAQ

Guidelines for Swimming Pools Impacted by Maui Wildfires

These guidelines are recommended for the management and maintenance of swimming pools impacted by fire damage, debris, or ash contamination. The use of the pool is not recommended until the following steps have been completed. The  steps used at your property will depend on the pool and property status. 

Discharging pool water to the storm drainage system, including streets, is prohibited.

Pool Status 

  • Pools in areas impacted by the fires may contain burned structural debris, charred vegetation, and ash. • Low water level in a pool water may be the result of evaporation or have been pumped by the debris removal contractor for  dust control.  
  • If a swimming pool was drained during debris removal at the property, the owner may refill the pool to prevent damage due to  drying of seals and gaskets.  
  • If a pool is in the burn zone, but not impacted by structural debris or ash, it can be drained in accordance with the County of  Maui’s Fact Sheet for Discharging Swimming Pool Water. Any residual leaf litter and/or organic materials should be disposed of  as solid waste.  

Cleaning and Refilling 

  • For pools where water was not removed during debris removal:  
    • Clean the skimmer basket and skim the water surface with a pool net to remove floating debris. 
    • Backwash and clean the pool filter. Discharge the backwash to a pervious ground surface (gravel or lawn). o Pump the pool and separate the solids, including ash and debris, from the liquid. A pumping service contractor can assist with the separation and may contact the County of Maui Public Works Department’s point of contact at (808) 344-8960.  Discharge approval will be based on volume and availability of disposal locations. 
  • For pools where water may have been removed during debris removal:  
    • Pump any residual quantities of water or accumulated rainwater from the pool, separating the solids from liquids, and  discharge to pervious ground surface. Do not allow the water to run off the property.  
  • Loosen and remove debris and ash from the pool sides, bottom, and deck by brushing and vacuuming. Minimize the generation  of dust. 
  • Dispose of solids at a designated landfill. Small quantities of solids can be disposed as residential rubbish.  • Property owners within wildfire zones who wish to refill their swimming pools may obtain water at no cost by contacting the  County Department of Water Supply at (808) 270-7730. Note: This water may not be potable, depending on status of the DWS  system. 
  • Verify the recirculation system is working properly, adjust pH level to between 7.2 and 7.8, and adjust chlorine residual to a  minimum of 1.0 ppm for swimming pools and 3.0 ppm for spas and waders. 
  • Regularly inspect pools for debris and proper filter operation. Repeat maintenance actions above as needed. 

Security and Vector Control 

  • If the pool enclosure has been damaged or destroyed, install a temporary secure enclosure following County standards for  height and entry control to prevent potential drownings or fall injuries. Use zip ties to secure access openings to provide easy  access for officials. Pools on parcels in the government-sponsored Debris Removal Program will be fenced by the debris  removal contactor. 
  • If a swimming pool will contain standing water without chlorine for more than two weeks, take one of the following actions to  control mosquito breeding (contact Hawaii Department of Health Vector Control Branch, Maui Office at (808) 873-3560 or go to  their website at for further assistance): 
    • Mosquito dunks – Used to kill mosquito larva and can be purchased at hardware and garden shops. Follow manufacturer’s instructions for quantity and reapplication frequency.  
    • Mosquito fish – Mosquito fish are about the size of minnows and eat mosquito larva. They are self-sustaining and do not  require any maintenance. Note: Do not add pool chemicals if using fish.

FAQs for Ineligible Debris

For ineligible debris removal, what are the eligibility requirements?

All residential lots in Lahaina that have received a closing package from the County following the completion of the USACE debris removal are eligible. Request service here.

For ineligible debris removal, what's the cost?

There is no cost for this service. All Hands and Hearts are a volunteer-powered non-profit organization committed to supporting disaster relief efforts. Request service here.

For ineligible debris removal, what types of debris will be cleared and disposed of?

All Hands and Hearts will work with property owners to identify the specific items to be cleared. Our goal is to dispose of all debris but there may be cases where certain items (i.e., large structures, pools, etc.) would not be within our scope and some items may require special handling. Request service here.

For ineligible debris removal, how long will the process take?

It will vary based on the type and volume of debris. We will provide an estimate following the assessment. Request service here.

For ineligible debris removal, do I have to be onsite while the work is being done?

We only need to meet with the owner on site for the initial assessment and for sign off once work is completed. Request service here.

Where can I dispose of items ineligible for removal under the Consolidated Debris Removal Program?

Ineligible fire-related debris must be disposed of at a Subtitle D disposal facility that contains a liner, such as the Central Maui Landfill. The standard Central Maui Landfill refuse acceptance criteria will apply. 

Regular Refuse at the Central Maui Landfill- Large Volume

Residents self-hauling large amounts of fire-related debris should contact the Solid Waste Division for procedures before visiting the Central Maui Landfill. If a resident has a commercial entity to help them haul refuse to the Central Maui Landfill, the standard tip fee for commercial trucks will be applied.

Regular Refuse at the Central Maui Landfill- Small Volume

Residents self-hauling small amounts of fire-related debris must wet the material and place it in double-bagged trash bags. Non-ash debris does not require double-bagging. If a resident has a commercial entity to help them haul refuse to the Central Maui Landfill, the standard tip fee for commercial trucks will be applied.

Organic Wood Debris

Residents can dispose of fire-impacted organic wood products (trees, brush, etc.) at the Central Maui Landfill’s green waste receiving area. Before visiting, please ensure all wood products are free of ash debris.

Non-fire-impacted organic wood products may be taken to the Olowalu Convenience Center site or the Central Maui Landfill.

Other Material

Please refer to Recycling and Disposal Resource Guide below.

My driveway was ineligible for removal under the Consolidated Debris Removal Program. I want to remove my driveway; where can I dispose of the waste material?

Concrete or asphalt waste can be disposed of at the Central Maui Landfill. Concrete and asphalt must be cut or broken down into sizes that are less than 3 feet in length. Please be aware that if a resident has a commercial entity help them haul the material, they will be charged the standard tip fee for commercial trucks.

Some Construction & Demolition recyclers may take the material for a lower tip fee than the Central Maui Landfill. However, the material must be clean (free of re-bar, wire, organics, and dirt).

Can I use my debris removal insurance policy to remove items that were ineligible for removal under the Consolidated Debris Removal Program?

Yes. If your insurance policy specifies a specified amount for debris removal, you may use your insurance proceeds to remove fire-related debris that was ineligible under the Consolidated Debris Removal Program. 

If your homeowner's insurance policy does not have a separate, debris-specific clause and instead includes the cost of debris removal in the total coverage, you may use these proceeds to pay for the removal of fire-related debris that is ineligible for removal under the program. 

In either scenario, the property owner will be required to substantiate all expenditures. We recommend that you contact your insurance provider to confirm that the debris removal line item will cover your specific situation. In addition, please ensure that any receipts for post-debris removal cleanup conducted by the homeowner are saved.

The County will only collect the remaining insurance proceeds, if any, after you have removed ineligible fire-related debris. 

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