Asset Management and Acquisitions Program


Community Planning










County & State



1-2 years


“Don’t build on ocean side. Make that a memorial park walkway. New buildings can be two or three stories to make up lost real estate along the shoreline.”

Community Quote from Long-Term Planning Recovery Survey

Project Description

This program will spearhead an effort within the County to address the significant need for acquisition of multiple parcels of real property in the impact zone, including along the shoreline for parcels that face development challenges due to sea level rise and other shoreline hazards. There may also be a need to dispose of or exchange some parcels of real property to facilitate wildfire recovery, as well as acquire property for easements and/or property for water and sewer lines, additional right of way for new streets or widening existing streets. There could be a need to acquire property for new major  projects, such as a new or expanded county parks, a County office building, other types of projects, and parking structures.


This program would identify a general work scope for a new real estate program within the Finance Department, determine human capital needs to adequately staff the department and conduct a hiring program to fill the identified needed positions.  It would also establish general levels of expertise necessary for administering a real estate and financing program.

Interdependencies and Roadblocks

Understanding how this program fits within the current County administrative structure, including operationally, and existing management  personnel, is currently the biggest identified roadblock.

Next Steps

  • Identification of potential types of acquisitions
  • Potential funding sources for acquisition and legal and financial questions related to specific properties or types  of acquisitions
  • Evaluating current County-owned property to determine if disposal of  the property is a good option

Project Details

Cost Estimate:


Existing Funding Sources:

Project Lead:

  • County Department of Public Works

Potential Funding Sources:

  • TBD

Project Partners:

  • County Office of Recovery
  • County Finance Department
  • County Department of Management
  • County Department of Management
  • Local Real Estate Professionals and Appraisers

Alignment with West Maui Community Plan (WMCP)

  • Goal 2.1 Ready and resilient systems
  • Goal 2.5 Safe, healthy, livable communities for all
  • WMCP Action 1.05 Prepare and implement an acquisition strategy for parks in West Maui, considering potential sea level rise and climate change.
  • WMCP Action 5.01 Obtain funding and prepare an acquisition strategy for Park/Open Space areas identified on the community plan map for parks and recreational facilities in West Maui. The strategy will address planning, development, acquisition, and maintenance of park and open space areas, with a priority on beach park expansion.

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